Thursday, December 20, 2012

Week 2
Alfred Nobel's will
  The Nobel Prize is the most famous prize in studies in the world. This week I will introduce about The Nobel Prize. The Nobel Prize was made by Alfred Nobel in 1895. He is known as king of     dynamite. Alfred Nobel was a chemist, engineer and inventor. He invented many things of which dynamite is most famous. He willed his fortune be used to create a series of prizes for those who confer the "greatest benefit on mankind" in physics, chemistry, peace, physiology or medicine, and literature. And in 1901, for the first time, an award ceremony was held. The qualification that a person can win a prize is living or died after the announcement of a prize winner. Winners are selected by Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Karolinska Institutet, Norwegian Nobel Committee or Swedish Academy. Ones who win the prize are selected secretly and process of the selection is disclosed 50 years later. Last selection is done in the day when winners are announced. So to expect winners is very difficult.
  Next I talk about award ceremony. The award ceremony is held in December 10. It is the day that Alfred Nobel had been deed. The ceremony is held in concert hole of Stockholm but Nobel Peace Prize. Nobel peace prize is held in Oslo City Hall. Winners are given medal, money and a certificate of merit (in Japanese "shojou"). Each medal features an image of Alfred Nobel in left profile on the face of medal. The for physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, and literature have identical obverse that is showing the image of Alfred Nobel and the years of his birth and death. The back of it is different respectively. Physics and chemistry are designed that the goddess of science takes off a veil of the goddess of nature and looks into her face. First, the medal was made of gold only. The amount of money depend on how much money the Nobel foundation can earn each year. The sum of money is decided and divided by the number of winner. After the ceremony a dinner party is held, which the Swedish Royal Family join. Winners customarily give commemorative lecture which called Nobel lecture. The lectures normally occur during Nobel Week which begins with the winners arriving in Stockholm and normally ends with the party.
  In past many Japanese won the Nobel prize. The first Japanese winner was Hideki Yukawa. He expected existence of meson (in Japanese it is called "chukansi"). But before he was nominated (example, Shibasaburo Kitazato, Hideyo Noguti), there were some persons whose name was included on the list of candidate. However they could not win for some reasons. Most of it was that they were orientals. But now Japan have the top of the number of winners in non-American-European country. Basically the history of the Nobel prize is brilliant, but in nominated studies, there were mistaken studies which turned out after the ceremony.
                     The history of The Nobel Prize is the history of modern science.


  1. My name is Masataka Iizuka.
    If you could get Nobel Prize what kind of Nobel Prize do you want to get?

    1. Thank you your question!

      If I could get Nobel Prize, I want Nobel Peace Prize. Because I love PEACE!!

  2. hello, I am nina, I have red this blog, i know the history of The Nobel Prize, but I also want to know the Nobel prize of chemistry.

    1. Thank you for reading.

      Nobel Prize of chemistry is in The Nobel Prize from beginning. So history of Nobel prize of chemistry is nearly same as history of Nobel prize.

  3. It is interesting about the history of The Nobel Prize.
    Recently, Professor Yamanaka won The Nobel Prize, and do you think about this? 

    1. I think that IPS cell is great, so he is one of the greatest persons.
