Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Week 10
 This week I talk to about latest study. The study is carbon nano tube (CNT). Do you know carbon nano tube? Carbon nano tube is fiber which is discovered recently. Carbon nano tube mainly has three kinds, Single-walled nano tube, Double-walled nano tube, Multi-walled nano tube. Carbon nano tube is expected to be used in many field. Carbon nano tube has some natures. Carbon nano tube has 10th higher thermal conductivity and 1000th higher resistance properties of electric current density than copper. This nature is expected as new semiconductor and fuel battery. Carbon nano tube is half weight of aluminum and 200th stronger than iron. For this nature, Carbon nano tube is thought to be used space elevator.
 Space elevator is elevator from the earth to space (geostationary obit). This system can cost down the cost of transportation for space. By contrast with rocket, space elevator do not harm environment and do not explode and do not fall. And we can go to the space not only space pilot but also elderly people, children and physical disability people. The origin of space elevator was Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovskiy who is called father of space travel. It is written that the centrifugal force and gravity balance in a point (geostationary orbit radius) if you build a tower from the equator to the space. In 1959, Yuri Artsutanov announced the concept of space elevator which extend cable up and down from geostationary orbit. By end of 20 century, the material for cable had not been found. So people thought space elevator as the thing in science fiction. But in 1991, Sumio Iizima discovered carbon nano tube. By discovering carbon nano tube, we can build space elevator theoretically. In Japan, Oobayashi team is planing to build space elevator. The team announced that they realize space elevator by 2050. But the problem of space elevator is not only technical problem. If space elevator is built, the cost of construction of trial calculation is 1 or 2 hundred million yen. Which country does pay the cost? And countries which is on the equator do not have technological strength and financial power. There are many problems to realize space elevator.
 There are not only positive point but also negative point in carbon nano tube. In 2008, a nature of possibility is discovered. The nature is that carbon nano tube is carcinogenic material. And it is announced that products which is used carbon nano tube technology have possibility of health hazard like asbestos.
 Carbon nano tube has many ways to purify, Arc discharge, Laser ablation, Plasma torch, Chemical vapor deposition (CVD), Super-growth CVD. But mass production way do not establish.

If carbon nano tube is mass produced and space elevator is built, how do you think our life is change? Carbon nano tube will afford us mass profit. I want Oobayashi team to build space elevator early. And I want to go space travel. I wish that study of carbon nano tube progress.
Thank you for 10 week reading.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Week 9
 This I talk to about magazine, Nature and Science. Do you know the two magazines? The two post not only chemistry but also paper about other field of science. The two magazines are very famous in science course people. Science and Nature are the most authoritative science magazine in magazines about science. For example, most of world university ranking evaluate how many papers professors who belong to the university were posted.

 This is first published in 1880. Now published by American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Science is issued 130 thousands a year. Science runs mainly original academic articles, publish of result of study, news and opinion about science. If your article is issued, it is honor thing. Because the standard of run is very severe. 10 percent of all paper is issued on the magazine. And before the select, the papers must be red some other professors for check the papers. By now science carried paper of AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) and paper related Apollo program and  so on.
 But sometimes the magazine was criticized. The magazine carried the paper which Hwang Useok succeed to make embryonic stem cells from embryo of human cloning. But after issued, Seoul national university withdrawn the paper for cheating about science. So people criticized that why the magazine did not notice it. The captain of editor at the time said " costly and offensive oversight on the vast majority of scientist in order to catch the occasional cheater".
 Now we can read science on the Internet. If you are member of AAAS, you can read all on the Internet.

 This magazine first published by Sir Josph Norman Lockyer in 1869. Now published by Nature Publishing Group (NPG). Nature runs mainly original academic articles, publish of result of study, news and opinion about science too. The name "Nature" was named from one sentence of William Wordswroth's works "To the solid ground of nature trusts the mind that builds for aye". Nature was born and made as much more polemic magazine than other magazines those days. In other words, nature was born to cause debates, challenge debate and dissent from established theory. Nature, like science, has carried many great paper, discovery of X ray, discovery of Ozone hole, making clone sheep and analysis of structure of DNA.
 Now you can this magazine on the Internet. But if you have license, you can only read articles from 1997 to 2008. If you want to read older articles, you have to get Nature archive's license. But in Japan, individual cannot buy the license. In other words, we can only read articles from 1997 to 2008.

 Science and Nature have many related magazine. If you are interested in the two magazine, I want you to read not only science and nature but also other related magazines.
 Next week I talk about latest study. Next week is last week. I want you to read. I think if you do not read past weeks, you will be able to be interested in the topic.


Thank you           for reading.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Week 8
 This week I talk to about International Chemistry Olympiad. Do you know International Chemistry Olympiad? This is a Olympic of chemistry.

What is International Chemistry Olympiad?
 International Chemistry Olympiad is world competition of chemistry. It is held per year in July. This competition developed from an achievement test which was started in Hungary, Czech, Slovakia and Poland. Now over 200 high school students join the competition from 60 countries. The test is composed experimental examination and theroretical examination. And people compete not as team but as an individual. persons who did an excellent performance is given a medal. Gold medal is given 10 percent of participant, Silver medal is given 20 percent and Copper medal is given 30 percent. In the period of competition, there is a program which is called Excursion. People who join the competition can make the friendship between them in the program.

The way to join (Japan)
 The delegations who join International Chemistry Olympiad are chosen by some selection committee. In Japan, it is need to join inter high school chemistry grand prix and to be a superior performance in 10th or 11th grade to be chosen representative candidate. Next training camp for representative candidate is held in the next spring. Last selection committee is held in the training camp and delegations of International Chemistry Olympiad are chosen. Persons who is chosen delegation join training camp.

 Before spring training camp, representative candidates are given reference book, collection of past questions, expecting questions which is passed out from host country. The syllabus is divided 13 fields.

This is a question which is in last year's test.

A boron-based compound is composed of boron, carbon, chlorine, and oxygen
(B4CCl6O). Spectral measurements indicate the molecule has two types of B atoms, with
tetrahedral and trigonal planar geometry, in a 1:3 ratio, respectively. These spectra are
also  consistent with a CO triple bond. Given that the molecular formula of the
compound is B4CCl6O, suggest a structure for the molecule.

ホウ素、炭素、塩素、酸素からなるホウ素化合物 (B4CCl6O) がある。そのス

The answer is bottom of this page.

 Recently Japan gets some medals. Last year, Japanese students won 3 gold medals and 5 silver medals. Japanese delegations continuously get gold medals 4 years. And Getting medals continue 10 years. Japan gets medal except first year of participation.

This is a answer of the question.


Next week I talk to about Magazine.
Thank you for reading.